When To Seek Treatment For Vein Disease


Varicose veins are often genetically pre-disposed  provoked by different environmental stressors. Pregnancy, smoking, extra weight, sedentary lifestyles, and prolonged standing or sitting are best associated factors for varicose vein development.

Varicose veins may become visible before the first symptoms are noted.   With that in mind, we are faced with the question of "When should I treatment for varicose veins?"

According to Dr Rios, "Many patients wait until they have developed limiting symptoms or visibly distorted veins on the legs."  An early evaluation is recommended for better treatment results and avoiding irreversible conditions like skin eczema and discoloration. 

What Symptoms To Look Out For

New or enlarged varicose veins should be an indication to visit a vein specialist. Early symptoms including leg cramps, leg swelling, and fatigue.  Less often considered are eczema, restless legs, and bruising.

Healthy lifestyle choices and exercise can help manage some symptoms. Additional measures include compression stockings, anti-inflammatories including Diosmin, and leg elevation. More advanced symptoms like leg edema, ulceration, or lymphedema may require coordination between the vein doctor and a wound care specialist. 

How to Treat Varicose Veins?

Vein treatment is now become incredibly efficient and essentially pain free due to major tech advances. Varicose vein surgery is now replaced by minimally invasive techniques like vein ablation, sclerotherapy, and venaseal. In fact, many patients return to work the very same day after a quick treatment session

The most popular non-surgical techniques include vein ablation, laser vein removal, foam sclerotherapy, VenaSeal, and phlebectomy.  With medical necessity deemed by your doctor based on history, exam and ultrasound, varicose vein treatment near me is covered by most major medical insurances and Medicare.


Vein treatment should be guided by a board-certified vascular specialist who has formal training from residency or fellowship.  Techniques today are office based procedures without the recovery or scars of surgical stripping.  

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